Section: New Results

Asymptotic and multiscale modeling

Modeling and simulation of multi-layers mechanical structures

Participants : Marina Vidrascu, Sofiene Hendili.

The collaboration with Françoise Krasucki (Montpellier University) and Giuseppe Geymonat (Ecole polytechnique) on the modeling of 3D materials connected by stiff interfaces continues within the Epsilon ANR project (Domain decomposition and multi-scale computations of singularities in mechanical structures 8.1.1 ). In the framework of matched asymptotic expansions we introduced a new effective and robust method to approximate the behavior of a structure containing a thin layer with periodically distributed heterogeneities (holes, rigid bodies...), see [3] , [10] , [11] .

Multi-scale modeling and simulation of rubber

Participants : Maya de Buhan, Marina Vidrascu, Antoine Gloria [SIMPAF] , François Lequeux [ESPCI] , Patrick Le Tallec [Ecole Polytechnique] .

In collaboration with A. Gloria (project-team SIMPAF) and P. Le Tallec (Ecole Polytechnique), we are currently working on a multiscale model for rubber based on the statistical physics description of a network of polymer chains. The numerical simulation of the model has been addressed within the ARC Disco using the Shelddon software. Comparisons with mechanical experiments are promising, and related inverse problems have been addressed in the post-doc of M. de Buhan. Two publications are in preparation.

This work is supported by the ARC DISCO ( 8.1.2 ).